
Linux Developer

Friday, December 28, 2012

5 Reasons to submit your real estate in

0. Its FREE!!

We don't take any kind of fees or commissions whatsoever

1. Make it easy for people to find it

DahabRE give its visitors the chance to filter their search based on many criteria like Location, Price, features (like AC, Pet friendly, ...) and more.

That save them lot of time looking for the "right" place, and also save u the time for answering the same questions again and again

2.Make your real estate appear in Google

We spend a lot of time trying to get Google know about all the new pages we get.
a simple Google search may show your real estate like this one.

3. Make posting your real estate on Facebook easier

If you like to post your real estate in Facebook groups, then you know  the deal
You create an album, upload your real estate pictures in it, post description then copy and paste this description and link to photos on facebook groups
Wouldn't it be easier to post a single link and get the rest done for you?

In the picture above I only had to post the link

 4. Make sure your clients can reach you

Lets face it Facebook messaging system is not so reliable, how many times a client sent you a message and you saw it months after?
In DahabRE you are able to provide more reliable contact methods like email or even mobile number!

5. Keep track of your reservations in a central place

If you are responsible for many real estates sometimes u can't keep track of which real estate is rented until when.
In DahabRE you can store this information and it remain hidden from visitors
although any visitor viewing your real estate page while its rented will be informed that its not available at the moment

For any questions/suggestions visit our facebook page

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Scabies ... Survival guide!

Scabies ... Survival guide!

Warning: the information presented here was made available at the hope it will be useful but without any warranty of any kind it is always recommended to consult a doctor if u can.
author is not responsible for any health damage or death caused directly or indirectly by following the tips presented in this article

What are scabies?

  • scabies are some kind of mites that live underneath skin, causing rash
  • scabies are very tiny insects that usually can not be seen by naked eye
  • scabies do not go away without medication, but its treatment is very easy
  • scabies are highly contagious and that's what is really bad about it

How do I know I am infected?

  • The most common symptom of scabies is an intense itch (especially at night) and a rash that affects a great deal of the body.
  • Its very common to see rashes on wrist (like in top picture)
  • Even though it might look like insect bites at the beginning, u can tell its scabies when it doesn't fad away within few days

I have Scabies, what do I do now?

To recover from scabies infection you need to both treat your body (or more precisely your skin) and also everything you came in touch with
I will describe how in the next questions

How do I treat my skin?

  • Most effective treatment is permethrin 5%, here in Egypt it is sold under the name "Ectomethrin 5 ointment".
  • Best time for treatment is before sleeping
  • Cover your whole body (starting from your neck and down to your feet toes)
  • If you can make your AC a little bit colder that would be better since permethrin perform better in colder temperature (but if you can't still it will be ok)
  • Even though most articles say scabies don't infect the area above your neck (head and scalp) I say be safe and put some in your head too
  • Treatment is usually done only once, u should start getting better from next day after treatment
  • sun light can neutralize the effect of  permethrin, stay away from the sun light during treatment (or have the treatment before sleeping time)
  • if you are in a place that doesn't offer any kind of medication, a very hot water on the skin can kill the mites (and hurt you) that may help a little but its neither practical nor very efficient

I came in contact with (touched) some people, but they are OK

If someone has been infected for the first time, he may not has any symptoms for 2-6 weeks so really if u had direct contact with someone he also must do same treatment described above even if he looks fine

 How do I make sure my home is scabies free?

  • Good news is, Scabies mites can't survive without a human host for 24 to 36 hours (source wikipedia ) so simply leaving a room closed for two days makes it scabies free
  • Clean your cloths/bedding with hot water
  • The sun is deadly for mites (esp. the sun of Egypt in the summer) leave anything infected in the direct sun light for couple of hours and all mites will die

I took the medication but still having rash and itching

The itching from scabies is actually an allergic reaction to the mites and their excrement, so itching may continue even after the mites are destroyed. If you are still suffering symptoms 2-3 weeks after treatment, you may need to be treated a second time.

Then, how do I know I have recovered?

In my case my skin returned back to its normal state after 3 days but as u saw in previous question this might not always be the case
So I can't give u definite answer to this question, but based on the information I gathered I would say if rash still increases at night then probably u r still infected (or re-infected)

I have just touched someone who has scabies

Always be safe and do the treatment described above, mites can walk on the skin and move from one part to another quickly
Soap, Ditol, water are all ineffective

Further reading

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Recovering lost partition table

I have recently erased first few megabytes of my harddisk, any experienced user know that means my harddisk is totally inaccessible
I managed to fix this issue and I thought I should share how I fixed it with everyone

Before you read you need to know what is a sector and what is a block usually sectors are 512byte and blocks are 1024byte so a block = 2 sectors
check the output of fdisk -l /dev/sda to know the size of your sector for sure
I will assume the harddisk we need to recover is  /dev/sda

How to recover erased partition table?

1. If your system (linux system) still running

  • the file /proc/partitions contains valuable information about your partition table, you need to copy this file somewhere safe (memory stick, external HD, ...)
  • /proc/partitions contains number of blocks (size) of each partition and its name but sadly it doesn't say where is starts or ends
  • after that you will need to reboot and then continue reading next steps

2. Try testdisk

testdisk is a great tool that search for your partitions and recover it
if it couldn't find all your partitions, you will still be able to make it perform "deeper search" 
If it found  all your partitions, then you are done and there are no need to finish reading this page
If it found some of your partitions, (and some other partitions previously existed) then write down the start/end of each correct partition but don't recover them (at least I didn't take that risk) and continue reading

3. Know what you are facing

OK here is the situation: to recover your partition table you need to know 2 things about each partition (where it starts and where it ends)

if you have the content of /proc/partitions then you know size of each partition in blocks, that makes it easier for you know where it ends if you knew where it starts

but how do I determine where the first partition starts?
that's easy, in the past first partition used to start at sector 63 while recent partitioning utilities would start at 2048 so its either 63 or 2048

4. Recovering first partition

Execute the following commands
parted /dev/sda <= parted is a very good tool for partitioning
unit s <= that will make parted use "sectors" instead of Gigabytes
If you only know the size of your first partition [ in blocks ]
size in sectors = size in blocks * 2
partition start is either 63 or 2048 (try both and see which one will work)
partition end = partition start + partition size in sectors

If you know the start/end of your first partition  
mkpart primary START END <= START/END are in sectors
now exit parted (type quit) and try to mount your first partition

If your first partition won't mount then either you did something wrong or a  portion of this partition was also erased along with the  partition table.
if you are sure its the second case then leave it and continue recovering the other partitions

5. Recovering other primary partitions

Now  that you have recovered the first one and you know where it ends, the next partition starts at the next sector and if you have its size you can recover it in the exact same way

6. Recovering logical partitions

In my case (which is the most common) last primary partition (sda4) is made to fill the remaining disk space and is marked as extended
and inside this partition you make your logical partitions

logical partitions are a little bit tricky because they don't start directly after each others and I couldn't tell where my first logical partition (sda5) starts

to figure those out I used parted and its nice command "rescue"
follow the following steps to recover those partitions
parted /dev/sda
unit s <= that will make parted use "sectors" instead of Gigabytes
in the output of print find line like this
 4      102028815s  976771054s  874742240s  extended

where 4 is your extended partition (sda4) and next two numbers are its start/end in sectors
then type the following command
  •  rescue 102028815  976771054 <= where the two numbers represent the two numbers are the numbers I got from the print statement above
parted should tell you it found some partitions and ask you if you wish to add them, say Yes