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Monday, May 20, 2019

How to obtain indonesian visa from Egypt

I am Egyptian who went to their embassy approximately 7 times to get Indonesian visa. This guide is meant to help you cut that time to just two visits.

Do I need visa at all?

Probably not.

If you intend to spend less than 30 days you can just fly to Indonesia and get in without any visa. Just make sure you bring with you return (or on-ward) flight ticket and hotel reservation.

If you want to stay these for more than 30 days, you can still obtain visa on arrival that gives you 30 days but can be extended in indonesia for another 30 days (total of 60 days).

If you are to apply for a visa in the embassy however, you get 60 days directly. Not 100% sure if you can extend it beyond that.

Where do I apply for the visa?

I will tell you where NOT to apply. In Indonesia's official consulate near Tahrir square. There is another smaller consulate in Nasr City that issue visas.


The flag is where a famous nearby school "Al Manhal Private School" is located. There is a swvl bus stop there.

What papers do I need to bring with me?

1. Your passport
2. HR letter (IN ENGLISH)
3. Return or onward flight ticket
4. Bank Statement that with at least 1000 dollar balance.
5. Hotel booking
6. 50 US Dollars (Egyptian pound won't be accepted)
7. If you are not Egyptian, you might need more papers. I don't know.

How do I avoid going many times?

1. Make sure you don't go in a day that is public holiday for Indonesia or Egypt
2. Go early (embassy opens at 10:30)

Once there get application form and fill it. If all your papers are accepted then you will have to go to a CIB bank and pay there then bring payment receipt back to the embassy.

There is a CIB branch on the same street of the embassy but it's a bit long walking distance. Can take any bus going west and ask to drop you at CIB bank.

Once you have made the payment, you back to the embassy, provide all the papers and the payment receipt and leave your passport. You should be able to pick your passport within 3-4 days. For passport pickup you should come late (1:30 to 3pm).

I applied for my visa during Ramadan. During normal months the time might change slightly so better ask there when to pickup your passport

Enjoy Indonesia.