
Linux Developer

Thursday, January 31, 2019

How to unbrick your kindle paperwhite? (For Linux Users)

The process of unbricking itself, is covered here and I will assume you have already read that link before you continue reading this article.

There you had two options, either flashing system image yourself or downloading an amazon official update and installing that instead.

But sometimes that's not good enough. What if you have already made changed to the system that you want to maintain? What if you already know what is the problem and just need to access the system and correct the mistake?

For that there is a Recovery mode where you can have shell prompt and can modify the existing system as u wish.

You get there by booting into diagnostics mode, then from the options to login to recovery mode however you must provide username/password.

username is always root but finding the password can be a bit tricky since it's NOT same as your main system's password.
For me password was "mario" but if that didn't work for you then you will need to find your device serial number and generate password using this guide or this.

Once you are logged in, your system partition is the first partition /dev/mmcblk0p1 you can mount it and modify it as you please. Your data partition would be already mounted for you in /mnt/us

After you finish make sure you disable diags mode so that when you reboot you are rebooted to main system.

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